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HomeArchiveICE Implements Automatic Meter-Reading System

ICE Implements Automatic Meter-Reading System

THE Costa Rican Electricity Institute(ICE) has implemented a new, automaticmeter-reading system in the country’shard-to-reach rural zones. The systemallows access to meter data in remotelocations via an electronic network,according to a statement from ICE.The company is already using thesystem with approximately 850 clientsin Tortuguero and Limón, on the northernand central Caribbean coast, respectively.The system is expected to save ICEmoney, because sending inspectors toretrieve data from meters in remote areasis very costly. It also produces more reliableresults, according to ICE. It works bysending a signal from the meter throughthe electrical distribution lines to ICEsubstations, each meter sending a uniquefrequency that distinguishes one clientfrom another.In addition to allowing ICE to betterdetermine and evaluate each client’s consumption,it will help ICE maintaingreater control over the continuity of itsservice, the statement said.Areas soon to receive the new serviceinclude Isla Chira in the Gulf ofNicoya, the Polo Turístico Papagayo (agovernment-managed tourism projectwith private investment in the northwesternprovince of Guanacaste), andthe northern Caribbean fishing town ofParismina.

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