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Friday, October 18, 2024

“Sorcerer” Profile

FOR some, like Maestro Sebastián, spiritual healer andsorcerer, Halloween has a very different meaning than dressingup or decorations. It’s a day where he “feels plenty of spiritualmovement, it is a very ugly day when the world of evilbecomes very heavy.”Sebastián is an expert on Tarot and palm readings andnumerology, gifts he inherited from his family, he explained.The healer said he is subject to revelations that allow him to“discover the tendencies of evil.”His will to fight evil distinguishes him from a witch, hesaid.“Witches are dedicated to evil,” Sebastián said. “They castspells to bring hardship and even death to people. I counteractthese spells, my wish is to make people feel better.”WITCHCRAFT is secretive in Costa Rica and witch congressesare rare, he told The Tico Times. A concentratedamount of witches are in the western suburb of Escazú andalthough Oct. 31 has no meaning to him, “witches profit greatlyfrom the Halloween festivity,” he said.Sebastián has regular clients and offers consultations at hisoffice, called “Missionaries of Happiness,” in front of theBanco de Costa Rica in downtown San José. The Missionariesof Happiness are located between the condominio de lasAméricas and Adoc shoestore, and can be reached at 248-0631.Because Sebastián does not believe in cameras, no photosare available of him.


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